I saw her sunburnt face,
Through the waving black,
She was facing dusk,
With me on her back.
The soothing rays,
Was pure silk,
They were kissing her broth,
Like cats jumping for milk.
It was a moment,
I fell in love,
Not for the moment,
But for the lady above...
That night i felt,
I surely lost something,
Also had lessons to gain,
Which covered loss of nothing .........
Can you imagine a lady sitting in dusk with waivy hairs ..
Through the waving black,
She was facing dusk,
With me on her back.
The soothing rays,
Was pure silk,
They were kissing her broth,
Like cats jumping for milk.
It was a moment,
I fell in love,
Not for the moment,
But for the lady above...
That night i felt,
I surely lost something,
Also had lessons to gain,
Which covered loss of nothing .........
Can you imagine a lady sitting in dusk with waivy hairs ..